Maxillary Sinus Surgery and Alternatives in Treatment
Oprawa: Twarda
Liczba stron: 378
Zdjęcia: 409
ISBN: 978-1-85097-170-2
Taking an idea originated at the Consensus Conference on Maxil lary Sinus of the Italian Society of Oral Surgery, the authors have created a text that brings together the most recent scientific discoveries and the most innovative clinical protocols, together with the possible alternatives to maxillary sinus augmentation techniques.
Taking an idea originated at the Con sensus Conference on Maxil lary Sinus of the Italian Society of Oral Surgery in 2001, the authors have created a text that brings together the most recent scientific dis cov eries and the most inno vative clini cal proto cols, together with the possible alternatives to maxillary sinus aug mentation techniques.
The book begins with anatomy, oto rhinolaryngological impli ca tions and bone heal ing and progresses to diag nostic, operational and patientmoni tor ing phases. It manages to combine the goals of a student textbook with a valid tool for the devel op ment of pro fessional clinical experts.